
K-5 Summer Reading

Get Ready for Summer Reading!

Summer Reading
We celebrate the summer season by embracing longer days, enjoying time together, and reflecting on all the hard work that has happened in our classrooms this year. Fostering a love for reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children. We want our students to be lifelong readers and learners; so as you prepare your summer schedules, please remember to include plenty of time for reading activities.
In collaboration with the South Windsor Public Library, the South Windsor Public Schools summer reading program is designed to encourage students to continue their good reading habits throughout the summer months. Look out for more information about online registration for the library's reading challenge. The South Windsor Public Library staff is available all summer to provide books and resources to students. For more information, please look for the “Kid Zone: Programs and Activities,'' at www.southwindsorlibrary.org. 
We are also asking students to keep track of their reading this summer using the suggested activities and graphing tools provided below. It is our goal that South Windsor students will read 20 minutes a day this summer!

Reading Resources

There are so many wonderful authors and genres to explore this summer. For a diverse selection of recommended book titles, visit the South Windsor Public Library website. Click here to access the children’s library reading suggestions. You can also explore recommended book titles through the Nutmeg Award Nominees links provided below. These resources will help you find books that match the interests of your child.

2025 Nutmeg Award Nominees: Grades 2-3
2025 Nutmeg Award Nominees: Grades 4-6
Click on the image below to learn about
the Governor's 2024 Summer Reading Challenge.

K-5 Governor's Summer Reading Challenge

Click below for a listing of Juneteenth books at the South Windsor Public Library.

SWPL Juneteenth Books